We recognise that sometimes it is difficult for some customers to work out their preferred size due to our unique and variety of fits across every Represent collection. Utilising this feedback, we have been working behind the scenes to create an all-new sizing recommendation tool. Working closely with our designers, garment technicians, we have now developed a simple website feature that will predict a garment size based on the information you input.
The size guide gives you a profile, this profile can be completed in just 6 easy steps by giving some basic information about yourself, from there the guide will give you a recommendation on what size we think works best for your body type, as well as what size other people with a similar body type to yours have bought in the past. These profiles are then saved to your account and can be used for any further sizings in the future, you can also create multiple profiles, or edit existing ones for any changes you'd like to make. Let's take you through these 6 easy steps to create your personal fit profile.
Step 1:
Go on any Represent product, and hit the “Find your size” button located just below the sizing options.

Step 2:
Input your Height & Weight
Step 3:
Then choose what best resembles your body type
Step 4:
Then Input your Age, this has an impact on how weight is distributed so knowing this can help us recommend the right size. The guide will then start giving an estimated size it believes you should be based on that information.
Step 5:
You then get an option of how you prefer the item to fit, you can use the scale to pinpoint exactly how you like your items to fit. The scale ranges between very tight and very loose, so pick the option you prefer based on your style.
Step 6:
For any Trouser garment, the size guide will then ask you to provide the size trouser or bottom you normally would buy, it gives the option of Letter & Numeric sizes and asks for both waist and length sizes.
The guide will then give you a best preferred fit based on all the information you have just inputted. It gives you 2 options, but uses a percentage of how satisfied you will be with that particular size, again they base this on thousands of similar shoppers that have purchased before & if they have returned that item due to sizing issues. It then gives you the option to add that preferred size to your basket and continue with the purchase, or you can go back and edit the information to ensure you have inputted everything correctly before going ahead.
We hope this size guide fixes a lot of issues many of you have with the sizing of our products, as always if you have any issues with anything please contact our customer support team on customersupport@representclo.com.